Brendan Brader
President / CEO
(518) 631 2884
John Reyes
Vice President / CTO
(518) 631 2884
aka: tanya runyon
position: tech support
since: 2005
hobbies: concerts, movies, cleaning
aka: michael farrell
position: design
since: 2004
hobbies: drawing pictures
3rd Apr 2013
We are very excited to have launched two new voicemail features this week.
Until now, you have been limited to having your voicemails sent to one email address as an attachment. In the Voicemail Options section of the online control panel you will now find the option to have your voicemails sent as attachments to as many email addresses as you would like. When adding additional voicemail notification email addresses you will now find a checkbox labeled: Attach Voicemail. Checking this box will enable the attachment of your voicemails to the notification email that is sent whenever you receive a new voicemail.
We have also released the Delete on Email Delivery feature into the Voicemail Options section of the online control panel. For those of you who prefer to have your voicemails emailed to you instead of managing a voicemail inbox, this feature allows you to have your voicemails automatically removed from your voicemail inbox after they are emailed to you as an attachment. You will keep your voicemail inbox organized and will eliminate the stutter dial tone that informs you of a waiting voicemail.
If anyone has any feedback about these new features or would like to suggest a new service feature, log into your online control panel and click on the Beta Lab icon or simply send an email to
posted by The Rude
5th Mar 2012
The development team at ViaTalk has had its nose to the grindstone. In the past few months we've been working hard to increase server reliability, stability and have expanded our network to bring you the best phone service we have ever offered. We've been working on some exciting features and one of them has been released today into the Beta Lab.
Call Forwarding When Busy can now be found in the 'Set Forwards' section of the online control panel. This feature allows you to forward your calls automatically whenever you on the phone and a second call comes in. You will not hear a call waiting tone and the call will be automatically forwarded to the 'Busy Forward' number you specify.
If you have any questions about the new Busy Forwarding message you can call our support staff or email and keep your eyes peeled for updates to the Beta Lab as we expect to roll out some brand new features in the near future.
posted by The Rude
20th Dec 2011
From everyone here at ViaTalk, we wish you all a very happy and healthy holiday season!
We are very excited to be moving into the New Year with our talented and dedicated staff. A huge THANK YOU goes out to our loyal clientele; 2011 has been an amazing year!
ViaTalk looks forward to continuing to provide the industry's best VoIP service in 2012!
Happy Holidays!
posted by The UX Yenta